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Unlocking Housing Opportunity and Reversing Federal Housing Failures

Earl believes that abundant affordable housing is central to building communities where people are safe, healthy, and economically secure.

In 2022 he released an updated legislative report and roadmap detailing specific steps to reignite federal investment in affordable housing in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. This report included policies to:

Increase construction of public housing to meet the needs of the at least 9.5 million low and middle-income Americans on the national public housing waitlist. This includes repealing the Faircloth Amendment, which caps the federal government’s construction of new public housing.

Guarantee people experiencing homelessness the right to shelter by providing federal incentives to enact federal “housing first” policies, which ensure that people experiencing homelessness are able to be placed into housing without preconditions so they can receive the medical treatment and social services they need.

Promote equitable homeownership and incentives for first time homebuyers to support individuals and families who have been systematically locked out of homeownership.

Renter relief for those struggling to pay their monthly rent. We have to make Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers an entitlement like food assistance and Medicaid programs, create a Renters Tax Credit, expand the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, and incentivize statewide caps on rent increases.