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A major step in ending the failed war on drugs

This is an exciting week!

This week, the United States House of Representatives will vote on a plan that I helped draft to not only legalize cannabis but take a big step forward in ending our failed war on drugs. It also provides some relief for those who were unfairly caught up in this misguided battle.

Many of you have worked with me on this for years – some of you for decades. Knowing that we are one step closer to legalizing cannabis and to giving a vast majority of Americans – including a majority of Republicans – what they want, is very fulfilling.

We still will need to get this through the United States Senate. There are promising signs as Senators Wyden, Schumer, and Booker work to reveal their plan for comprehensive legalization.

As we start this historic week, thank you for everything you have done to help get us here. I look forward to continuing the effort until we finally win.



Posted on March 28, 2022.